Successful companies are involved in shaping their business environment
Export-oriented medium-size companies like Tiefenbach Control Systems benefit from making standardization one of the cornerstones of their company strategy.
Those who participate in the standardization process can influence results, have a head start on the knowledge front and thus gain competitive advantages.
Joining the DIN community is a fundamental decision taken by us with a view to enjoying autonomy in the standards field and being given the opportunity to influence standards-related decisions. Being a DIN member means to actively shape the success and promote the competitiveness of our national economy. We thus also strengthen the position of our own business.
Standardization in the early stage of technological development serves as a catalyst and helps to prevent misinvestments. Innovation is more than just a good idea. We cannot afford innovations without market success –without standards and specifications market success can hardly be achieved any more. Tiefenbach Control Systems fully utilizes and exploits the innovation potential offered by standardization in order to secure its market success. As member of the DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (German Institute for Standardization) we support the proven system of standardization conceptually and financially and are actively involved in the development of standards and specifications.